We have lots of ways to help you prepare your community.

Whether you work with a Community-Based Organization, faith group, social club, school, civic or neighborhood group, you can help people in your community take five easy and free steps to prepare for a disaster like an earthquake, wildfire or flood.

We have created a set of simple tools and resources that you can use to build awareness and help get people in your community get prepared.

Listos California’s tools differ from many conventional preparedness lessons that too often fail to get people to act. We believe our approach will increase the chances of success and bring more communities closer to being ready for a disaster.

Host A Training

Here you will find everything you need to organize a short training on Zoom—or in-person. You can customize our training script and slide deck. You can also tailor flyers and emails to promote participation in trainings, create awareness and encourage preparation among community members.


Here you will find additional disaster readiness resources including emergency fact sheets, maps showing communities prone to hazards, and tools designed specifically for older Californians, immigrants, and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.